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Consciousness is a concept that is thousands of years old. All great wisdom traditions have developed their own views, methodologies, orders and alchemy to map our inner world. Consciousness is also about the increasing number of people who have become (again) aware in recent years to leave the Earth as a peaceful place for future generations. More and more people are receiving instructions to change. Sometimes small clues such as a nagging feeling or new ideas and inspiration. Sometimes big clues such as experiencing an illness or a death nearby. When those instructions are followed, internal values change. What seemed important in the past is now suddenly less important. In contrast, values such as connection, equality, honesty and love become more valuable. Based on these values, people act differently, the focus on financial returns alone is abandoned and financing is therefore done differently. But how are the new insights converted into action? How is this possible in a world and financial system that is organized according to the old values of profit maximization and financial returns? ​There are now many examples, lessons and experiences on how you can act and finance consciously. See some examples below. At the same time, every person and situation is unique. What constitutes conscious trading and financing differs per person/family/office. We support each asset/family holder in a unique way that suits her/his values.

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